Do you want to know how much money the average person wastes on razors per year? Yeah, I would to, if you could go look that up quick and let me know that would be great. Just kidding, on disposable razors alone people typically spend at least $111 dollars a year! Which doesn’t seem like much but just think over 5 years that’s $555 alone on razors.
Best Hair Removal Device At A Quick Glance
[content-egg-block template=custom/new_list_test]Once you add in the amount of hair and all the places women have to shave, I wouldn’t be surprised if the cost of razors for us is doubled. Every square inch of our body grows hair that we end up having to remove, thanks to society. Until the day comes where long hair everywhere is attractive, the razors will continue to be bought. How would you like it if I told you there is another way to get rid of hair that will cost you only one flat fee?
Let me introduce you the holy invention we call laser hair removal. I’m sure you have heard of it and assumed it is a procedure that can only be done at spas or medical spas. Wrong my dear friend, oh so wrong. There are numerous types of laser hair removal machines on the market for you to purchase and use at home. Let me help you pick out the right one for you to use at home.Having my cosmetology license helps me differentiate between effective and ineffective at home laser hair removal tools.
[su_divider divider_color=”#d9dfe5″ size=”6″]Things to consider before buying your own at home laser hair removal device
Hair ColorÂ
Some hair removal devices aren’t going to work well with light hair including hair color within the blonde, grey, and red shades. You want to make sure whatever device you are getting is going to remove your hair color.
Body PartsÂ
Double check the device you are getting and make sure it removes hair in the specific area you have in mind. If you want to remove hair from your face and body make sure it has the capability of doing both areas. Perhaps you are looking to remove facial hair only? In that case, I would suggest looking into specific facial laser hair removal devices.
Each device is going to work a little bit differently. Read all the instructions to see if you are going to be required to purchase additional supplies. For instance:  Some devices will require the use of gels or creams to use before, during or after the removal process. Glasses, gloves or other add-ons may additionally be needed.
Result TimeÂ
Laser hair removal machines aren’t going to work overnight. If you have a big event or vacation coming up make sure you check the result time to ensure you can properly get rid of unwanted hair by then. Result times vary depending on machines and typically range anywhere from 4-8 weeks.
Treatment TimeÂ
Speaking of time, each device is going to remove your hair at different lengths of time. Some might take as little as 8 minutes per treatment and some might take you over an hour. It depends on the device, the amount of hair you have and the size of the body part you are doing.
Light LevelsÂ
Each machine uses different light levels. Some will come with adjustable light levels and some will have an automatic sensor that gives you light as the sensor sees fit. Regardless of the device, you are going to have to be committed for a long haul. Results will take you 1 or 2 sessions a week and you want to do it for a full year.
At home devices are going to be weaker than professional salon ones. This a safety issue and will never change no matter how long you wait to purchase one.
There is no way around it, you are going to be shelling out a big chunk of change for any at home laser hair removal device. In the long run you will save money not having to buy razors and shaving cream. The investment is well worth your money and will still be cheaper than going to a spa which will cost you a minimum of $2,000 for their own hair removal treatments.
No matter if you go somewhere to get hair removed or do it at home, it’s going to be painful or maybe even irritating. Depending on your pain threshold this may be a problem for you. I personally think laser machines are less painful than waxing.
[su_divider divider_color=”#d9dfe5″ size=”6″]BoSidin Facial & Body Permanent Hair RemovalÂ
If you are looking for a fast turn around time for results, I suggest this BoSidin Hair removal machine. You will notice results in four weeks if you use this machine once a week! Up to 96% hair reduction in as little as 3 treatments.
You can use this device on:
- Back
- Armpit
- Bikini Line
- Arm
- Upper Lip
- Leg
- Neck
BoSidin gives you the luxury of 5 adjustable light settings and comes with a rechargeable battery. Â For best results use this on hair that was shaved a few days before. Do not use this device on freshly shaven or long hair.Â
UV protection is found on the head of this device so you don’t have to worry about any harmful rays. It is essentially the same light that you would see when you get your nails done. A skin sensor is also found on the head to help test your skin to make sure the area is suitable for removing hair.
The package also includes safety goggles so you can protect your eyes during treatments. Don’t put your face directly next to the device when the light goes off. Instead, do a few areas and then check down to see the hair that is there or gone. It will take some practice but after a while, you will get the hang of how little and how fast you can move the device to effectively remove all the hair.
Time Frame For Results
Use BoSidin once for the first 1-4 weeks, and then use every two weeks during 5-8 week period. Results are seen in the third session of use.
Con: Not recommended to be used over a tattoo area. The light will not be able to distinguish the tattoo from the hair and thus won’t be able to remove hair in that area.
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[su_divider divider_color=”#d9dfe5″ size=”6″]Tria At-Home Device For Permanent Hair RemovalÂ
This is personally my choice for the best at home hair removal laser device. Works best on brown to black body hair!
Tria is FDA Cleared and I have used this device in almost all the salons I have worked at. Having it now available for the public to buy is a huge advantage for everyone. It is easy to use and shows real results.
Like most hair removal devices, this works well with brown to black hair! Best results are shown when you use the device once every 2 weeks until you reach your desired results. You can then treat your hair areas about once a week or less depending on how your hair grows back.
The light on Tria targets the hair follicle to first make the hair appear softer and then stops it from growing completely due to permanent disabilities.
I suggest starting on a spot you have the best pain tolerance too. For example, I would start on your legs before you go to your armpits or bikini area. This will allow you to get a feel for the laser and get used to how the device works.
Tria is one of the fastest most effective products currently on the market because it delivers precise pulses. 70% hair removal in 2 sessions is a huge win.
How to use this device?
Start with the calming gel they give you (optional) and move the device in 1/4 inch increments after you hear two beeps. This device works best on light or medium colored skin tones.
Time Frame For Results
Use once every two weeks until desired results are reached. Results have been shown after two sessions.
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[su_divider divider_color=”#d9dfe5″ size=”6″]DEESS Permanent Hair Removal Device
A big plus with this permanent hair removal device is the wide range of skin pigmentation it will work on. Unlike most hair removal devices, this machine works with light to dark skin.
Deess device is suggested to be plugged in while you use it and has a lamp that should last you about 3 years. They do sell replacement lamps but urge against buying it because you should be able to get rid of all unwanted hair with this device in 3 years time.
A sensor is located on the lamp that does a scan of your skin and once it deems it safe the device will automatically turn on. If it scans your skin an find the results inaccurate it will not turn on and you won’t be able to use it.
If you are worried about your skin quality rest assure that this device has a UV filter and is also FDA approved. Deess uses IPLÂ ( intense pulsed light) which plays an important role in permanent hair removal. IPL treats superficial pigmentation, fine blood vessels and targets the hair follicle tissue. IPL is no the same as LASER light. Â
Time Frame For Results
For permanent hair reduction, it is suggested you do 6-12 treatments at least. Start with a 12 weeks plan that consists of  1 treatment per week. Each treatment should be repeated 2-3 times. Because it uses IPL and not laser light each actual treatment length is going to be a little bit longer. Lower leg will take you a minimum of ten minutes.
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